date: Tuesday, 12th February 2013, 9pm, IRC
present: Simon Poole, Sarah Hoffmann
absent: Thomas Ineichen, Stéphane Henriod
0. Last minutes
Minutes of board meeting were accepted without modification.
1. New members
The status of the final application has been cleared and the board
welcomes a new corporate member.
2. AGM
Simon proposed a draft for the agenda which was apporved. Sarah will send
it together with an official invitation to the members as soon as possible.
Simon will also sent the financial overview to members as soon as it is
Simon asked to purchase a budget software (around 100 CHF) for making the
financial budget. The request was approved in general, however, we reconsider
delaying the purchase until a new treasurer has been elected.
Sarah will send an open invitation for the public part of the AGM (lunch
and mapping party) to talk-ch@ later this week.
Simon will prepare the activity report.
3. Budget 2013
Discussion has been posponed until the financial status is ready.
4. AOB
For the Berne art project a volunteer has been found. Another inquiry for
help by the town of Zurich is still pending, Simon will contact them again.
FOSSGIS conference: we will aim for a shared table with FOSSGIS/OSM. The
question of talks remains open.