Board Meeting, 13th November 2012

date: Wednesday, 13th November 2012, 9pm, IRC
present: Simon Poole, Stéphane Henriod, Sarah Hoffmann
absent: Thomas Ineichen

0. Agenda

The agenda for today’s meeting was proposed by Sarah Hoffmann and
accepted without modification.

1. Open Issues from Last Meeting

  • no new developments for orthophotos, Simon to ask Basel Stadt for new developments
  • server sponsoring still pending
  • corporate member page now available on but translation
    is still missing, Sarah to look into that.

2. New Members

One new member joins SOSM since the last meeting and are accepted and welcomed
by the board.

3. FOSSGIS 2013

Stefan Keller has contacted the board about the FOSSGIS conference 2013.

SOSM is happy to learn that the 2013 FOSSGIS event has been awarded to the
Hochschule Rapperswil, we look forward to the event and will support it as far
as possible.

4. Operation Cowboy

The organizers contacted the board to ask for the organization of an official
party for the event. It was resolved that it would only make sense if organized
in at least two locations in Switzerland and that the time frame was too short
for an officially organized event. However, SOSM is happy to give support if a
community member should step forward as an organizer.

5. AGM

Simon proposed to hold the next AGM on a weekend in February or March. It was
further suggested to make this a half-day social event with the AGM proper
followed by a mapping party. Sarah will set up a doodle to find a convenient
date and as for location suggestions.

6. AOB
