Board Meeting, 1. December 2014

date: Monday, 1st December 2014, 21:00, using Mumble
present: Patrick, Simon, Michael, Pascal

0. Last Protocol

The protocol of the previous board meeting was not available yet. It was postponed to the next meeting.

1. Closing 2014

Pascal presented a preliminary overview of the 2014 financials. He proposed writing-off a missing member fee from 2013 and to pay again for the wine at the upcoming 2014 fondue-Stammtisch in December. Both was unanimously accepted.

2. AGM 2015

The place and date for the 2015 annual general meeting was discussed. Proposed were Biel and Ticino. It was deemed best to make an inquiry which location would be preferred by the members, as Ticino would hard to reach for some of the members. The meeting should be held some time in April.

3. Wikimedia Server

Michael reported that Wikimedia has three servers which they will put out of service, which they are willing to donate to SOSM. The issues with this donation were discussed, namely:

  • Import of the servers: Would probably amount to 1000CHF
  • Where to put the servers: Rack space in Switzerland is too expensive for SOSM at the moment. We would need a sponsored space for them.

The board members will contact a few companies to ask for sponsored housing of the servers. The import issue will be addressed once we know if we could operate the servers in Switzerland.

4. Donation drive for AGIS 2014 aerial imagery

The 2014 AGIS aerial imagery has been acquired by Simon for CHF 250 from AGIS (The imagery is free, AGIS just charges expenses for copying the imagery onto a hard drive and returning it). It was unanimously accepted to make a SOSM donation drive for the 2014 AGIS aerial imagery. If more money is raised by the drive then it will be used for other projects of SOSM.

5. AOB

We need to transfer our domains away from switch. Pascal proposed, which was unanimously accepted.

Two new members joined SOSM since the last meeting and are accepted and welcomed
by the board.