We have a new set of tiles in LV95 projection (aka. CH1903+ or EPSG:2056). It is the standard osm.ch style, rendered with mapnik in LV95. You can look at it on the test page http://www.osm.ch/chlv95.html. This is our first try, without having real applications for it yet. Feedback would be welcome. If you find this useful or if you find any issues, please leave a comment.
The tile server URL template is http://tile.osm.ch/2056/{z}/{x}/{y}.png

Switzerland in LV95 projection (© OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0)
Geonick told us in the comments that LV03 (the “old” one from 1903) is still widely used. For now tiles in both projections will be served. To keep the load low on the server, we would like to serve only one set of swiss projected tiles. So depending on usage and performance requirements we might shut down one set of tiles in the future. The test page for LV03 is at http://www.osm.ch/chlv03.html. The tile server URL template is http://tile.osm.ch/21781/{z}/{x}/{y}.png