As already mentioned at last year’s AGM, we got a new server, and we have now taken this server into operation. Thank you to Init7 for sponsoring the hosting of this server.
The new server enables us to now render OSM data worldwide.
As already mentioned at last year’s AGM, we got a new server, and we have now taken this server into operation. Thank you to Init7 for sponsoring the hosting of this server.
The new server enables us to now render OSM data worldwide.
The default style on now includes contour lines and is updated to the latest version of the openstreetmap-carto style sheet.
(c) OpenStreetMap contributors
Elevation data created from a mash-up of SRTM and ASTER GDEM data. ASTER GDEM is a product of METI and NASA. Post processing was kindly provided by Yves Cainaud from