At the annual general meeting end of March we presented our yearly activity report. Some of those activities were already reported in this blog:
- Our participation at SotM in Milano
- and at WikiCon and DinaCON
- Promotion of open maps in the classroom with OpenSchoolMaps Website

Keen visitors may have noticed, we’ve re-launched our site. Thanks to Flavio and Claudia and Michael for making the website more modern and professional looking. Comments on the new site are always welcome. Either here in the comments, as a mail to us, or by opening an issue on github or even a pull-request.
New logo and stickers

With a new logo designed by Roman, we finally came around to produce stickers. We distributed one sticker to each member with the invitation to our annual general meeting. In case you would like to get some stickers, just ask. We will gladly send you a couple of them.
Plans for 2019
- Get a second hosting location operational
- Further development of OpenSchoolMaps