SOSM 2015 Annual General Meeting

Agenda for the 2015 Swiss OpenStreetMap Association Annual General Meeting

Saturday, April 18th 2014, 11am,Lago Lodge, Uferweg 5, CH-2560 Nidau

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of the minute taker and vote counters
  3. Adoption of minutes of the 2014 AGM
  4. Activity report 2014
  5. Financial results 2014 –
    • Presentation by the treasurer
    • Auditors report
  6. Membership fees 2015
  7. Budget 2015
  8. Elections
    • Board (candidates for all positions are welcome.)
    • Auditors (note Otto Wyss will no longer be available)
  9. Trade registry registration
  10. Application for OSMF Local Chapter Status
  11. Any other business

2015 SOSM Donation Drive

umap_screenshotDear friends of OpenStreetMap and SOSM

As you may know, SOSM provides a range of services for the Swiss OpenStreetMap community. Currently this is financed for a major part out of our regular membership fees, this however limits some aspects of our operations quite considerably. All services are currently run on a single, small leased server in Germany.

In 2015 we would like to

  • move all services to a hosting location in Switzerland
  • provide better performing and redundant hardware for our most popular services (map tiles, uMap and routing)
  • expand our OSM data and imagery hosting offerings (for example the current imagery covering the Canton Aargau)

While we have the prospect of a number of in-kind donations to support the above, more on that soon, there is still the need for additional funds to cover cash outlays. Example: while we have a computer hardware donation arranged, the hardware will have to be imported and VAT on its value paid, just this single item would be substantially outside of SOSMs current annual budget.

To support the plans for this year SOSM board has therefore decided to explicitly ask for donations to SOSM in 2015 with the goal of collecting at least CHF 5000 over the course of the year.

Donations can made to

Postfinance account
IBAN CH54 0900 0000 8505 3542 9

Swiss OpenStreetMap Association
Heitersbergstrasse 1
8962 Bergdietikon

Please note 2015 DONATION DRIVE on the payment. By default we will be publishing the names of all donors, if you don’t want to be mentioned, please add that either to you payment information or send mail to

Our server now supports SSL

Our new umap service made quite a good start. We had quite positive feedback from several people. But there was also a problem reported by Adfinis: They added a map to their home page using umap. Now when the homepage is was with SSL the browser denied the embedding of umap which was without SSL (known as mixed content blocking). And not only did they make us aware of the problem, they even offered to pay for the necessary SSL certificate. Thank you for sponsoring the certificate!

We now support SSL on our sites, for example

High Resolution Aerial Imagery from the City of Zürich


A couple of weeks back the city of Zürich expanded the available layers on its public WMS server to include areal imagery of the city from multiple years. Of particular interest to us is the 2011 data which is clearly superior to what has been available up to now and is a lot better georeferenced. This will allow us to address some of the issues we have in central Zürich and is a huge leap forward from the Bing/Yahoo imagery we’ve had until now.

We hope that this sets yet another example for other Swiss cities and cantons, to open up their WMS servers. SOSM will continue to negotiate with other cantons and cities (see for progress).

Many thanks to the GIS office of Zürich!

Using the imagery in your editor

For JOSM users the WMS server can be queried with

For P2 and iD users we have added the layer to our mapproxy configuration and it can be accessed (with placeholders) with:




uMap Instance for Switzerland

It has been a long time in the making, but at last, we are happy to announce that a SOSM hosted uMap instance is available: .

uMap allows you to create hosted map configurations that contain base maps, data sources and manual annotations.

An example of what can be done with very little effort: the “Swiss style” map with car sharing locations queried from the Overpass API.

See full screen

While the data displayed in the example is static, the same can be done with a direct query of the OverPass API or similar sources. Data that is limited to Switzerland can be retrieved from the SOSM Overpass service, and to make that a bit easier we now have a local Overpass Turbo instance.

To create your own map on you simply need an account on and allow access to it.

A special thank you to Sarah for setting up the system for us and to Yohan Boniface for developing uMap.

Mapping Party Burgdorf April 5th 13:30

burgdorfAs already announced we will be going out and mapping after the SOSM AGM on Saturday and after we have had lunch (please feel free to join us for that too).

Meeting location: Restaurant Schützenhaus, Wynigenstrasse 13, Burgdorf

Burgdorf itself is fairly well mapped with only a few roads missing and a handful of name spellings that need to be verified . However the surroundings, in particular Kirchberg are fairly undermapped. Kirchberg can easily be reached by Bus, the rest of the villages likely will require a bicycle or other means of transport.

Rough schedule:

  • Meetup 13:30
  • Mapping starts 14:00
  • Back at Restaurant 16:00
  • Data entry etc.
  • Dinner roughly 18:00 (for those that choose to stay)


SOSM 2014 Annual General Meeting

The 2014 Annual General Meeting of the Swiss OpenStreetMap Association which will take place on Saturday, April 5th 2014, 11am in the Restaurant Schützenhaus, Wynigenstrasse 13, Burgdorf

[mapsmarker marker=”1″]

You will find the full agenda here.

After the meeting there will be an informal lunch and a mapping party. If you already know that you will be attending, could you please indicate so for planning purposes by e-mail to

We hope to see many of you in Burgdorf.

2014 SOSM AGM (Preliminary Announcement)

At its last meeting the SOSM board decided to hold the upcoming annual general meeting on April the 5th 2014. Planned location for the meeting and associated mapping party is the region Burgdorf / Kirchberg in the canton Bern.

Unluckily the 5th collides with the 2nd day of SOTM-FR, however we had decided on this Saturday as one of the small number of free days left in the first half year before SOTM-FR was announced.