The Swiss OSM Jubilee Tour 2024

This tour is a series of events to celebrate the 20th anniversary of OpenStreetMap (OSM) and its impact on communities around the world and in Switzerland. Participants will learn about the versatility of OpenStreetMap and its central role in supporting sectors such as tourism and emergency services. Join us as we celebrate two decades of collaborative mapping, innovation and the transformative power of open data. Some events will take place online, others onsite – with a “grand” finale on the actual birthday around August 9, 2024!

Three onsite events at which Swiss OSM was a guest have already taken place, namely Wikipedia Day 2024 on April 27, 2024 in Bern, the workshop “OpenStreetMap for Research and Geospatial Analysis” on May 16, 2024 at the University of Zurich and the “Sozial- und Umweltforum Ostschweiz” (SUFO) on May 25, 2024 in St. Gallen.

The online webinar series on “OpenStreetMap for fire departments and other interested parties” (in German) on May 14 and 23, 2024 was also very successful. Next up is the webinar series on “OpenStreetMap for tourism – using POIs correctly” (also online and in German) on June 19 and June 25, 2024.

Share these events! Contact me (Stefan Keller) for any questions about this tour.


Project of the Month Switzerland (PotM CH) April 2022 Sustainable offers

The “Project of the Month Switzerland” (PotM CH) of April 2022 is about the collection of sustainable offers, i.e. stores and vending machines that are organic, regional, unpackaged, fair trade or second hand, and vegetarian and vegan restaurants as well as food sharing including water refill. Note the relevant tags and keys in the PotM documentation [1]. The “Sustainable” web map [2] by user ToastHawaii nicely depicts most of the items.

Figure 1: Dashboard of the PotM CH April 2022 Sustainable offers.
Figure 1: Dashboard of the PotM CH April 2022 Sustainable offers.

Dashboard and Ranking

The April 2022 PotM-CH dashboard was given the number 19 [3]. As before, it shows a ranked list of the mapper names that have edited the most. By the way, users geo_max and Geonick, currently ranked second and third, are out of contention. So currently imagoiq, sampeto and Necessary_Function are on the first three places.

Prizes and Mapathon/Hackathon 29 April 2022

The April 2022 PotM CH is a very special promotion with prizes to be won: The three most diligent mappers will receive small gift boxes from the farm! The prizes will be awarded at the Mapathon/Hackathon Rapperswil 2022, which will take place next Friday afternoon, April 29 [4]. There are still places available at this Mapathon/Hackathon (“Ask us Anything”).

Sustainability Week Rapperswil 2022

The PotM CH prizes and pizza and drinks from the Mapathon were sponsored by Sustainability Week Rapperswil 2022 (NHWR22). Here is the whole program of the #NHWR22 [5].

What does “sustainable” mean?

The term “sustainable” has been defined rather restrictively in this PotM. It actually means much more, such as free repair offers, car and bike sharing, or environmentally sound waste disposal. Much of this has already been proposed in the PotM documentation [2] and could be done in the next months.

Have an idea for a “Project of the Month”?

If you have an idea for a PotM CH, just post it in the documentation/wiki [1] or get in touch on one of the channels mentioned in the help here [6].


[1] Documentation/Wiki for PotM CH:
[2] Sustainable web map:
[3] Dashboard 19 “Sustainable offerings”:
[4] Mapathon/Hackathon Rapperswil 2022, April 29, 2022:
[5] Sustainability Week Rapperswil 2022:
[6] Help:

Swiss Castles and Fortresses Day, Sunday, October 4, 2020

On Sunday, October 4, 2020, 25 Swiss castles invite you to the 5th National Castles Day. Their gates and drawbridges will then be open from 10 am to 5 pm for a varied program. So – come on in!

The association Wikimedia CH and the Swiss OpenStreetMap association (SOSM) will complement the event with a Swiss Fortresses Day 2020 (Burgentag 2020). Young and old medieval enthusiasts alike are invited to discover a castle ruin on their own. You decide the program yourself. Every castle has a history and many have something mystical about them. And there is often a fireplace nearby. Find out more with the following tips:

  • Map with selected castle ruins sites (see picture below),
  • A photo challenge to upload missing photos of castles.

Illustration: Interactive online map of selected castle ruins (realized with uMap and with OpenStreetMap data). [Large map]

The photo challenge is simple: Work through this list of castle objects without pictures and upload the photos to Wikimedia Commons! For each uploaded photo there is a tweet (from @trending_places) with the hashtag #CastleProject. The photo is then usually immediately visible on the Castles project map.

The interactive online map of selected castle ruins shows a hand-picked selection of castles in Switzerland that are freely accessible and easy to reach. Depending on the castle, it can be up to one kilometer (i.e. approx. 20 min.) or more away from the nearest public transport stop or parking lot. Please follow the signs and treat nature with respect (e.g. make sure that there is no danger of forest fires in the area, watch out for ticks, don’t leave litter).

The map contains only a small part of the castles and palaces as they are managed in the Castles Project Switzerland. The Castles project links open data directly from the four open data projects OpenStreetMap, Wikipedia, Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons (photos).

The Swiss Burgentag 2020 was initiated by the SOSM association and Wikimedia CH. The event is also kindly supported by the Swiss Castle Association. We thank the association ‘Die Schweizer Schlösser’ for agreeing to link the two action days Swiss Castles Day and Burgentag 2020.

Inquiries and contacts:
Verein SOSM, Stefan Keller
Wikimedia CH, Kerstin Sonnekalb

AGM online May 16th 2020 11:00

Participation and voting (BigBlueButton, link was sent by mail to all members)

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of the minute taker and vote counters
  3. Adoption of minutes of the 2019 AGM
  4. Activity report 2019
  5. Financial results 2019
    • Presentation by the treasurer
    • Auditors report
  6. Discharge of the Board
  7. Membership fees 2021
  8. Budget 2020
  9. Amendment of the articles of association
    • Introduction of honorary members
  10. Appointment of honorary members
  11. Elections
    • Board
      Candidates for all positions are welcome. All existing board members are standing
      for re-election.
    • Auditors
  12. Any other business

Burgen-Dossier – Eine Kooperation von Wikimedia und OpenStreetMap (Schweiz)

Wikimedia und OpenStreetMap wollen in der Schweiz enger zusammenarbeiten. Den Anfang soll ein gemeinsames schweizerisches Burgen-Verzeichnis mit Karte, Fotos und weiteren Informationen machen.

Für den Samstag, 27. April 2019, ist ein Arbeitstreffen beider Communities und weiterer Interessierter auf Schloss Lenzburg (AG) geplant, um die verschiedenen Arbeiten zu koordinieren und sich gegenseitig die verschiedenen Projekte und Unterprojekte näher zu bringen.

Wikipedianer und weitere Interessierte erhalten eine Einführung in OpenStreetMap. Mapper und weitere Interessierte bekommen Wikipedia-Projekte nähergebracht. Am Nachmittag stellen Experten die Projekte OpenStreetMap, Wikipedia sowie Wikivoyage, Commons (Fotos) und evtl. Wikidata näher vor. Sie werden zeigen, wie man editiert, und stehen für Fragen zur Verfügung. (“Ask Us Anything”)

Das Ziel ist die vollständige Darstellung aller Burgen und Schlösser auf OpenStreetMap (OSM) und Wikipedia (WP), angefangen mit den Kantonen Aargau und Zürich.

Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung zur kostenlosen Teilnahme auf dieser Wiki-Seite.

2019 Swiss OpenStreetMap Association Annual General Meeting

The 2019 AGM will take place in Basel on Saturday March the 30th, 11:00.

The venue is at the

Byfangweg 6
CH-4051 Basel

The event will follow our proven formula with a roughly one hour formal part starting at 11:00, with lunch following and a fairly unstructured mapping party as the activity in the afternoon from 13:30 onwards.

Guests, including such that simply want to learn something about OpenStreetMap, are welcome to both parts.

Could however both members and guests indicate to if they plan to attend, particularly for lunch, so that we can inform the restaurant how many guests they can expect.

Looking forward to seeing you in Basel.

Agenda for the 2019 Swiss OpenStreetMap Association Annual General Meeting

Agenda der Generalversammlung der Swiss OpenStreetMap Association 2019

Saturday, March 30th 2019, 11:00,
Samstag, den 30. März 2019, 11:00,

BORROMÄUM, Clubzimmer, Byfangweg 6, CH-4051 Basel

1. Opening and Welcome / Eröffnung und Begrüssung
2. Election of the minute taker and vote counters / Wahl des Protokollführers & der Stimmenzähler
3. Adoption of minutes of the 2018 AGM / Annahme des Protokolls der GV 2018
4. Activity report 2018 / Tätigkeitsbericht 2018
5. Financial results 2018 / Jahresrechnung 2018
– Presentation by the treasurer / Bericht des Kassiers
– Auditors report / Bericht der Kassenprüfer
6. Discharge of the Board / Entlastung des Vorstandes
7. Membership fees 2019 / Mitgliederbeiträge 2019
8. Budget 2019
9. Elections / Wahlen
– Board / Vorstand
Candidates for all positions are welcome.
Kandidaten für alle Positionen sind willkommen.
– Auditors / Kassenprüfer
10. Any other business / Varia

10. Micro Mapping Party Rapperswil, August 17th 2018, HSR

The Geometa Lab of the HSR and the association (SOSM) invite to the next Mapping Party in Rapperswil/SG by the lake! The integrated OSM meeting also includes an Ask-Me-Anything. There will also be a micro hackathon.

The Micro Mapping Party is a casual outdoor event for capturing OpenStreetMap data with subsequent editing in the computer lab, followed by bbq and drinks (offered by the HSR). The Ask-Me-Anything and the Micro Hackathon take place inside.

The party is open to everyone, especially beginners. More than a dozen participants are expected. The start is at 2 pm in the lake building 6 of the HSR campus (right next to Rapperswil/SG station). You can also join us later, for example after work. Registration is requested so that sufficient food and drink can be organised.

Information and registration:

Follow the party via the Twitter-Account von SOSM and with the hashtags #OpenStreetMap #MappingParty.

SOSM Annual General Meeting April 8th 2017 Fribourg

As already indicated the 2017 AGM will take place in Fribourg on April the 8th, 11:00. The venue is at the

University Fribourg,
Geography Unit, Room 226,
Chemin du Musée 4

Many thanks to the Geography Department of the University for supporting us. The location can be found here: and instructions on how to get there are here:

The event will follow our proven formula with a roughly one hour formal part starting at 11:00, with lunch following and a fairly unstructured mapping party as the activity in the afternoon from 13:30 onwards.

Guests, including such that simply want to learn something about OpenStreetMap, are welcome to both parts. Could however both members and guests indicate to if they plan to attend, particularly for lunch, so that we can inform the restaurant how many guests they can expect.

Looking forward to seeing you in Fribourg

Simon Poole

Agenda for the 2017 Swiss OpenStreetMap Association Annual General Meeting
Agenda der Generalversammlung der Swiss OpenStreetMap Association 2017

Saturday, April 8th 2017, 11:00,
Samstag, den 8. April 2017, 11:00,
University Fribourg, Geography Unit, Room 226, Chemin du Musée 4, CH – 1700 Fribourg 

1. Opening and Welcome / Eröffnung und Begrüssung

2. Election of the minute taker and vote counters / Wahl des Protokollführers & der Stimmenzähler

3. Adoption of minutes of the 2016 AGM / Annahme des Protokolls der GV 2016

4. Activity report 2016 / Tätigkeitsbericht 2016

5. Financial results 2016 / Jahresrechnung 2016

  • Presentation by the treasurer / Bericht des Kassiers
  • Auditors report / Bericht der Kassenprüfer

6. Membership fees 2017 / Mitgliederbeiträge 2017

7. Budget 2017

8. Elections / Wahlen

  • Board / Vorstand
    Candidates for all positions are welcome. The board recommends to elect at least one assessor to the board (candidate Stefan Keller). .Kandidaten für alle Positionen sind willkommen. Der Vorstand empfiehlt mindestens einen Beisitzer in den Vorstand zu wählen (Kandidat Stefan Keller).
  • Auditors / Kassenprüfer

9. Any other business / Varia